Health is everything

Health is everything

Have you ever noticed that we are no longer a fit population? Many people are overweight with a bad complexion. This is mirrored by an even more negative and bitter mood. Life is viewed as hard by a disproportionate amount of individuals. This does not have to be so. But, for the most part, my health, both physically and psychologically, is in my hands. Why then would I not want to keep my body and mind healthy and holy? The answer: I don’t know that I can. A doctor said to me many years ago that the body is much like an old Mercedes Benz. Do the maintenance — change the oil, replace the headlights, rotate the tires and the car will run for over 500,000 kilometers.  

This is much like our own physique, If we do the work, we will strengthen its integrity and prolong its reliability and longevity. It is here, however, that the car analogy breaks down for a car doesn’t have an “I” or a self. In this instance, the concept of health takes on a dualistic (1) tone. On the one hand, we must work to preserve our corporeal temple by increasing our level of manual activity, exercising more, eating well, etc — the corollary being to minimize our alcohol and drug intake and get enough sleep. On the other hand, we must nurture our mental health. Of the two tranches, it is psychological well-being that is the most difficult to achieve.  

Many individuals, seemingly, just give up and surrender to the vagaries of age. In contemporary society, nonetheless, there are countless examples of elderly folks who are learning new skills and participating in challenging activities. To enter this realm of perception, one must simply say that the mind dictates my age — not the body. I must then positively reinforce this concept on a daily basis. Sir Ken Robinson (2) has told us that the realm of imagination is truly one of the most important areas of education. If  I can imagine who I am and what I should be doing, I truly stimulate the mind. This keeps me vibrant and interested in all things — and therefore, “young at heart” at any age.  

One of the tragic hallmarks of agedness is boredom. I am retired and I have lots of money. I was the leader of a large department or the president of a fast-paced commercial interest, Now I play golf. To my ears, and that of many others, this sounds like a death sentence for the mind and, ultimately, the spirit. The secret to a rewarding life, acknowledging that health is everything, is firstly physical activity — ongoing exercise and, subsequently, never retiring. Keep your mind and body truly dynamic and active. Unfortunately, this is up to the individual. Be sure to make the proper choice for you.  The Irish comedian, satirist, and actor, James Allen (3) leaves us with a thought:  A man is not rightly conditioned until he is a happy, healthy, and prosperous being; and happiness, health, and prosperity are the result of a harmonious adjustment of the inner with the outer of the man and his surroundings. 

A closing thought: At some point in life, I must take hold of my health. I do this by accepting that my â€śpiece of life” has value and I have something to give to the world — my mission if you will. Having discovered this essential component, I can then get to work and build its contribution. The dissolute and spent life offers little to anyone — you nor the society. A successful life, however, requires effort and commitment. It is up to me to make it an exciting and interesting journey.  

To sum up: This week we spoke about good health and the value it affords to each of us. 

To be noted: From Publilius Syrus (4) — Good health and good sense are two of life’s greatest blessings. 

Just for fun: 

For reflection: 

This week on your reflective walk, please ponder on how you view your gift of health. 

Every day look for something magical and beautiful. 

Don’t be a wage slave – critical thinking is great! 

Quote: The dynamism associated with me is self-created.  


1) Dualism

2) Do schools kill creativity? | Sir Ken Robinson

3) Dave Allen – religious jokes

4) Publilius Syrus

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