氣候 The Weather




The weather is one of those phenomena that you can never quite get away from and, I think you will agree, it plays a disproportionate role in our lives, whether we joyously embrace it or not. We mostly have a love-hate relationship with the elements. In Western countries it ignites many conversations. The question, “What do you think of the weather?” or “How do you like the weather?” can be a determining factor in whether you continue the conversation or not. It could even, more tellingly, be the beginning or the termination of any budding business relationship. The ear constantly listens for the indication of a positive or a negative personality – hence the apologist. “I am sorry that the order was delayed, the weather has been terrible: I will see what I can do.” Or, the pro-active problem solver: “The typhoon has just ended; I will get right on it!” Which financial partner would you choose?

In small talk, which is actually “big talk,” we are always instructed “formally” to initially discuss the weather, sports and traffic or movement: the traffic was heavy today, etc. Later we can move on to “informal” small talk and discuss relationships, politics, religion and (usually never) money. (1) It is here that your social status and education are fully revealed. It is hard to sound intelligent when your diction and vocabulary indicate your position in society. The Americans are particularly adept at quickly moving from formal to informal talk, wherein they discuss relationships, “Do you have a boyfriend?” through religion and politics to money, “You won’t believe how much I made last year!” This is, however, mostly just nervous hyperbole.

Now the discussion of lucre is an interesting one because up until Henry the VIII (1491-1547) changed the banking rules, (2) it was illegal to charge interest: Islamic banks have continued this practice to this very day. (3) Repayment took the form of a piece of the profits (from the harvest or from the voyage) or something more physical: a piece of land, a flock of fowl, etc. The financial system was more akin to a barter system. The regulation and codification of the banking system allowed incipient capitalism to “spread its wings.” Money quickly made money on money, not necessarily through the selling of goods and services. Governments have attempted to regulate this excess profit through taxation. They have, historically, almost always failed because the rich themselves dominate most of these institutions. (4) Pope Francis (b. 1936), the Roman Catholic Pope, has just made an impassioned plea that addresses the scourge of climate change (hence the weather) in his newest encyclical entitled Laudato Si’, mi’ Signore — Praise be to you, my Lord: “… economic powers continue to justify the current global system where priority tends to be given to speculation and the pursuit of financial gain, which fail to take the context into account, let alone the effects on human dignity and the natural environment. Here we see how environmental deterioration and human and ethical degradation are closely linked. Many people will deny doing anything wrong because distractions constantly dull our consciousness of just how limited and finite our world really is. As a result, whatever is fragile, like the environment, is defenseless before the interests of a deified market, which become the only rule.” (4) In his paper he clearly places the environmental blame on profligate capitalism and unbridled consumerism. What is encouraging about this piece, in my estimation, is that the Pope can speak with moral authority devoid of political influence or an upcoming election. In this context his message is pure: it is up to each individual to accept it or not. Canadian architect and urban planner Arthur Erickson (1924-2009) leaves us with a thought: Bankers cannot afford to be concerned with only the economic aspects of projects. There may be serious implications on the natural environment, the urban environment, on human culture.

A small joke: A little girl was lost, so she went up to a policeman and said, I’ve lost my Mom!?” The officer inquired, “What’s she like? The little girl replied, She likes shopping and talking, and talking!”

Every day look for something magical and beautiful.

Quote: We all feel bonded to the environment: the concrete cities that most of us live in are not comforting to the soul. We all long for the peace and tranquility of the outdoors. The Green Movement will change how we see our relationship with nature.


1) Small talk

2) The pivotal change in the English-speaking world came with the lawful right to charge interest on lent money, in particular the 1545 Act, “An Act Against Usurie” promulgated by King Henry VIII of England.

3) Islamic banking

4) whorulesamerica.net

5) m.vatican.va