I’d like you to walk with me. We’re going to take a couple of days off. Now I’d like you to use your imagination here. We’ve taken a bus, perhaps a plane and we’ve arrived in an area that has a beach in the distance and we’ve taken a hotel room just away from the beach. So we wake up early and we can feel the cool breeze of the wind blowing through the windows and smothering us with kind of an inviting warmth, if you will.

It’s time to get to the beach. It’s hot but not overly hot. But to begin our day off, we’re going to turn the phone off. We’re going to turn the television off. We’re going to not be exposed to any exterior stimuli.

We’re gonna be together with me, with the self. And hopefully, we have company. We have a loved one that’s with us, perhaps a child or a husband or wife. Regardless. The point is that we’re open to enjoy the day without diversions.

There’s no noise. There’s no white noise. There’s just me or us. The people I care for. And slowly we walk down to the beach and the beach is in front of us, golden and resplendent.

Not too many people. And we walk along. We’re carrying our blanket and perhaps a basket filled with some food, something delicious, a bottle of sparkling water. I’m not a big alcohol person, so I think we can leave the alcohol, the beer at home unnecessary. No stimulants, right?

No stimulation. Everything’s turned off. And then after we walk for a bit, we find a secluded place, we put the blanket down, we put up our umbrella, perhaps we even have a chair, a small chair we can sit on. And we just stop and we go inside and we slowly begin to talk to the self. We talk about future plans, we talk about enjoyment, but we are enjoying the day.

And what we discover is that there are a lot of sounds around us. There’s the sound of the surf in the distance, the joy, the glee of children playing in the water, and of course we can hear the birds twittering. What a vision. Almost like our own mini paradise for a short period of time. And in our thought we’re going to realize that this space has actually been created by me.

It’s created by me. And there is a chance that I don’t even need a beach. I don’t even need a blanket. I just need me. And people such as Sadhguru, the guru from India, says to really come to this place all I really need is a green space and a bit of grass.

I take my shoes and socks off and put my feet in that environment, even 15 to 20 minutes. I’ve tried it. It’s actually quite wonderful. So the next time you’re feeling really harried and really stressed, and of course the question is who makes me stressed? I do.

Now many people claim they are depressed, but usually they are not clinically depressed. Clinically depressed is you talk to a doctor and he gives you drugs. And if he gives you drugs, be careful because they’re just a doctor. They’re just doctors. They’re just like you and me with more training.

And whatever you take, look it up. How does it affect me? Because drugs affect people differently, obviously. And some people don’t need to take drugs for so called depression. They need to be in control of the reality that they occupy, but that’s up to each individual.

I’m not advising either way. I am advising be smart, be cool. It’s your mind and your body. So the next time, as I said before, you feel very funny, take some time off for you because all reality is filtered through me. Everything, the pain, the frustration, the anxiety, and the joy, the happiness, all filtered through me.

So you’re in control of your reality, you really are, and it’s a good life if you want. And you know what they say. You know what they say. Critical thinking is necessary if I’m going to find that peaceful place that’s going to help me in my existence, and critical thinking is great. You take care. God bless. Bye bye.