I recently had the opportunity to travel far and wide. And what struck me as interesting was that we’re constantly bombarded with the idea of excellence of excellence. But in reality, are we responding in a proper way? Is it really true, always excellent? Why not?

Well, I’ve noticed, for instance, that bow ties are very, very hard to acquire as are neckties, and we’re much more informally dressed than we used to be. Of course, we live in informal times. Now in a certain sense of the word, that’s okay because you think to prepare yourself for the day used to take a tremendous period of time, and now we’re fortunate to do it very quickly. And I think the average attire would be a loose t shirt and a pair of jeans. No ties.

No suits. The same with ladies. We’re dressing down profoundly. Now in a certain sense of the word, as I said just now, that’s okay. But you would think then that you would have more time to reflect internally on your world, to think about life and love and what reality is all about.

But as informal wear became more and more pronounced, the Internet was introduced. And once the Internet was introduced, you totally lost the capacity to think to a very large extent. We now scroll, and at the same time, cataclysmic things have been going on. We’ve had wars and floods and catastrophe, elections, political unrest, immigration, you name it. It is a time in our century to reflect what is going on with life.

But because of the Internet, we don’t think. So here we are. We dress informally, and we don’t think. So where is this excellence we always hear about? Where does it exist?

Well, I think if we’re serious, because I have one life in this consciousness, if we’re serious, we’re going to get to work. I’m gonna get to work on me. Because the only person I truly know, of course, is me. And, yes, I have a girlfriend or a wife that I love very deeply. I have a parent as well, parents that I care for as well.

But, unfortunately, they will all go away, and I will remain until I go away. So the only relationship I can ever really have is with God, with the universe, with Gaia, whatever it is. So if I want this excellence in my life, I have to work at it. And Aristotle, of course, tells us that excellence is an ongoing practice. We don’t suddenly become excellent one day.

We practice at something continuously. Now you can think to yourself. If you go visit, let’s say, for instance, a dentist, and the dentist has had no experience, and you have the option to see a dentist who perhaps has had 20 years of experience, Which dentist do you choose? And, of course, you choose the older dentist because you feel much safer in his experience in life. Therefore, if I want to become excellent, I must decide, Leon, you’re going to become excellent somehow.

You’re going to strive for perfection in your life. And ultimately, you are the only person who can judge that. And you have to do this without vanity because there will always be someone better looking than you. Disappointing but true. There will always be someone smarter than you.

For sure, in the canon of history, there’s always someone more brilliant than I am, and there will always be someone who’s richer than me. Always. But there will never be anyone like me. And I must be stunningly happy that I’ve ended up in this reality with me with me. Because with me, I can learn who I am, and I can grow.

I can open the door to myself. So reflect just for a moment. If you want to be excellent, learn how to tie a tie, learn how to tie a bow tie, learn how to dress properly, and, also, think I want to become an educated man. For myself, I want to learn. And you know what they say. You know what they say. Critical thinking is necessary, certainly for excellence, and critical thinking is great. You have a wonderful day. God bless. Bye bye.