Your creative imagination will keep your mind alive

We are often caught up in our little moments of reflection and introspection, aren’t we? These are what Marcel Proust (1) calls moments of “involuntary memory,” (2) described as an image of a past happening triggered by a chance occurrence. You see a brilliant sunset and you are thrown back to your childhood, for example. If we expand upon this idea, we come to our creative imagination. This is a phenomenon that is encouraged by Sir Ken Robinson in his thesis on how to improve our educational system. (3) This is aptly practiced when we read about a historical person and accidentally stumble upon someone who looks like that character during our long-distance travels, as an illustration.

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Mastering self-control

In a hectic and confusing world, it is very difficult to find the time or the wherewithal to locate one’s purpose — the central mission of my life. Self-control is a central tenet to any journey of discovery. Control of the emotions allows for reflective and introspective thought to be presented. This is especially true for the young or the young-at-heart. How do we focus on life itself and its meaning? What is my quest in life? These are telling questions, most assuredly. Existence itself is filled with anxiety and pain.

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To be free, spiritually, emotionally and financially is your birthright.