How to prepare for the journey: gird up your loins

Have you ever felt the anticipation of the journey in front of you, the adventure of your life — exciting, isn’t it?! Consciousness is a two-pronged struggle, a two-front war, to be more dramatic. On the one hand, you have the self that you seek to understand and nurture into a value and a mission; on the other, you have the deep desire to explain yourself so that you can have real identity and comprehension with other human beings: those that “you” love and care for. It is a difficult and taxing brawl, not for the “faint of heart.”

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Don’t play with matches!

The time I almost burned my brother: I am sure all of us can identify with the exploits that occur when we are young. As children, we are naive and do not fully comprehend the consequences of our actions. Families build strong and irreplaceable memories. It is to be noted that a lack of strong family bonds is often a precursor to a troubled and difficult life. (1) In my life, this has fortunately not been the case, though the mischievous Devil often came knocking at the door.

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Take that chance on you!

Today’s educational circles are all abuzz with the concept of finding a “meaningful” career. I just don’t want a job, I want something that rewards me in a financial sense and yet stimulates me intellectually and spiritually at the same time. To this end, the pedagogical system drives you forward at an ever-heightening rate of speed, upwards and upwards until you finally reach nirvana: the completion of your formal studies (BA, MA, or PhD). This certainly is one of the highlights of a person’s life. Sixteen or twenty years of study, excluding kindergarten, has been brought to a close.

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Only your efforts can achieve success

Do you remember when you were extremely young and wanted to accomplish a mission or project? I recall a traumatic experience when my little pedal car got stuck in a mud hole. I couldn’t go forward nor go back. I did not want to exit the miniature vehicle because that would sully my shoes: even at an early age, my parents had instilled in me that clean shoes constituted a gentleman.

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To be free, spiritually, emotionally and financially is your birthright.