What tools do I need to begin?

This morning, I experienced one of those magically awe-inspiring, yet fleeting, vignettes of life — one of those rare, unforgettable moments: those times that benchmark reality. I woke up early to the soft stirring of the world. The birds sitting on a nearby tree, ensconced in nature, its heralds summoning a new day. Everything was stunning and perfect. Looking at this peaceful scene, I was suddenly struck with a sense of hopefulness. We have all been here, I am sure. For whatever reason, you are given a universal, a constant, the truth: “Everything works out …” to quote the actress Sandra Bullock (b. 1964): and, it is so. Wow: thank you for this gift. Not so soon, however. The minute we have consciousness, we realize that, though peace and happiness may be innate, we still have to dig for them — we must work to uncover them. How: what is the necessary method that will put us in this state? What we are talking about, of course, is freedom from wage slavery. In what way do I achieve a fulfilling life that blends all aspects into an orchestra of great deeds and actions?

As with any magical time, you want to catch it, to bask in its power and “enjoy” the feeling. This energy can “spin” you into yet another magical time. We often hear of “career success.” We read: He began as a humble clerk and eventually rose to be president of the company. How does this work, you say to yourself? I don’t seem to have the tools to proceed in a successful direction. What can I do? When faced with these kinds of dilemmas, we must fall back to some basic beliefs. These beliefs are “time-tested” and result in the potential for success in one’s life. What was the first thing that I realized when I awoke this morning? The concise answer is that I was alive. Yes, I have awareness: me – the person I identify as Leon is ready for the day. It is not a grand leap, therefore, to the next realization. If I am alive, I can affect change – in myself and in the world. This is the fountainhead of all human existence. I am free to be me. But, who is this me? I believe that the self is a lot like any great novel. Each chapter builds on the last one and segues into the overall plot. You cannot truly understand the story until you close the final page, though you get hints near the climax of the tome.

You are not just one of 7.4 billion bodies on the planet, at present. You are a distinctive person – no one has ever been like you, no one is like you and no one will ever be like you: you are unique. This realization should release the desire for success. Your success: not the success of your mother, your father, your siblings, your family, your friends, or your society – your success, as you defines it. This “will,” will be the engine of your future. This then begins your quest to break free of the fetters of wage slavery. Your life journey commences with the desire to discover your meaning, your why: Regardless of “what” we do in our lives, our “why” — our driving purpose, cause or belief—never changes.” (1) At its most primitive, I must begin with the DBA method (2) to discover my gifts. I must get an 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of paper and at the top write, “My Gifts.” I then write, on the left, “What I am good at” and, on the right, “What I am bad at”. I then draw a line between the two. I place this paper in a hidden place in my room. And, now this is the most important: I show no one! If anyone sees your sheet, anyone, it will be sullied and compromised.

You must develop an understanding of you and where your skills lie, devoid of influence. You then begin to update this as often as you wish. For example, one of my “good gifts” is that I like to talk, one of my “bad gifts,” nonetheless, is that I am extremely shy. I quickly saw that only one could be allowed to mature. Subsequently, as I matured, I chose the former. When you finish high school, you will carry 15 or 20 of your positive gifts with you into your university or technical training. Upon completion of your formal studies, this number will be reduced to 3 or 4. Now comes the next key moment in your desire to eventually be free from wage slavery. With one eye “cocked” on your potential career, you must choose and you must act: get a job in your chosen field. Now, within one or two years, you may realize that you have made a career mistake. Have the courage to stop and try another one of your gifts. Learn to ignore the social opprobrium. “Extraordinary benefits accrue to the tiny minority of people who are able to push just a tiny bit longer than most. Extraordinary benefits also accrue to the tiny minority with the guts to quit early and refocus their efforts on something new. In both cases, it’s about being the best in the world. About getting through the hard stuff and coming out on the other side. Quit the wrong stuff. Stick with the right stuff. Have the guts to do one or the other.” (3) The final step is stick-to-itiveness. You must be willing to be that reviled wage slave for at least 10,000 hours until you develop your expertise, and then you are free: education + experience = expertise. The great inventor and businessman Thomas A. Edison (1847-1931) leaves us with a thought: The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense.


A closing thought: Any accomplished individual has undergone some form of rigorous training, either through education or self-taught through experience. We cannot ignore the masters in our chosen field. Find your guru, read his books and study him or her. They will make your journey, perhaps not easier, but clearer and wiser.


To sum up: This week, we spoke about the methods necessary to escape wage slavery. These included making “a decision” to be successful, creating a private list of gifts (both negative and positive); acting by choosing one to begin with, after training; the courage to be able to quit and change when something is not working; and finally, the determination to put in the prescribed time to build your expertise.  


A small joke: Why when you go to a doctor are you asked, “How do you feel?” We should respond, “I feel great, I just came for a visit.”  


This week, please remember and celebrate your mentor in life.


Every day look for something magical and beautiful.

Quote: We receive 78,000 bits of information every single day, according to addworld.com, most of it negative. We know, nevertheless, through experience, that life is good, kind and positive. Which “reality” do you want to live in?


1) Start with Why: Simon Sinek (ISBN 978-1-59184-6444-4)

2) DBA method: The Don’t Be A Wage Slave Method

3) The Dip: Seth Godin (ISBN 978-1-59184-166-1)