The child in everyone

The child in everyone

Do you remember the unbridled joy that you experienced as a child? Your shrieks and cries — unhindered and free — were utterly devoid of any constraints or limitations. How you ran like the wind, your energy making it possible to figuratively soar to the heavens!

But, one only has to walk along a street and look at the faces of countless downtrodden individuals to realize that for many, this is now a long-forgotten memory if it ever existed at all. Why do we lose our innocence and are slowly burdened by the travails of life? Is it because of intellectual and spiritual laziness that we lose our way — perhaps yes?

If we do nothing and do not seek something higher, whatever that means, slowly the ravages of time will descend upon us. The result is like the intensity of a fast-moving river — overwhelming and impossible to stop and redirect.

If we stand aside from the stream, however, it is feasible to see the spark of youth, with all its wonder and imagination, continue until the cessation of mortal life. It is unfortunately a conscious choice because of free will, the right to choose our path. — and why not? I should have the freedom to choose the life that I want to live, however unfulfilled.

The anxieties and frustrations of life may never cease but can be balanced against the beauty, the happiness, and the sacred peace afforded to all of mankind. Many of us suffer from unfulfilled desires. These can be mitigated through prayer, I believe. One of the major errors of life is to believe that my external mistakes must migrate to my interior thoughts. They do not unless I allow them. What are regrets but past events placed in the present and pointlessly ruminated upon?  

I am the gatekeeper to my being. I must suffer because I am a mortal man with a body and a host of emotions. It is a great mistake nonetheless to make oneself a victim of these physical and psychological phenomena. Yes suffer, feel your tired muscles and your aching presence, and then find a way to get over the day-to-day pain and once against soar like an eagle and run like a child.

This freedom is motivated by an innate knowledge that if I try and put in the effort, I can be a better man and a more enlightened essence. Abraham Maslow (1) leaves us with a thought: One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again.

A closing thought: Risk is always present in life, isn’t it? There are always two actions: the action of acting, of doing something — the result being either positive or negative, but giving an outcome. The alternative is the action of inaction — the consequence already known. Which movement would you like to join? The answer is a personal choice. We must decide wisely.

To sum up: This week, we spoke about the freedom to be young as long as we wish, regardless of physical age. 

To be noted: From John F. Kennedy (2) — Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.

Just for fun: 

For reflection: 

This week, on your sprightly walk, please reflect on what youth means to your life.

Every day look for something magical and beautiful.

Don’t be a wage slave – critical thinking is great!

Quote: Live your life in a state of wonder and imagination.


1) Abraham Maslow and the Psychology of Self-Actualization