Real success

We live in a world of success, have you ever noticed? If you go to the Internet, you would think that the human race is peopled with gorgeous women and Adonis-like (1) men. We are all charming and elegant and, most importantly of all, rich!

One of the great joys of dining is enjoying your food. But many times — your mouth already salivating with desire — you are instructed to wait. Wait for what, you may ask? Wait for the picture, of course. Why? So that the photographer can document what a wonderful time we are all having. No life is this beautiful! Not true — only go to the web. You can taste the irony.

I often find it most notable that the individuals with the most unconventional of lifestyles, sexual or otherwise, rush to document just how good their life is. Their hundreds of thousands of followers want to believe, don’t they? This alternative lifestyle is fabulous, their influencer (2) has indeed discovered the best way to live!

We all know, of course, that this is pure nonsense. Any development of the self requires a beginning, an affirmation of you, your ethnicity, your body, and your family. It is with this acceptance of your God-given corporeal nature that you make your life triumphant.

It is to be noted in history that virtually no one who was psychologically tortured over their physical reality ever achieved enlightenment. It is those who were truly impeded by their bodies and fought to prevail over their limitations, that we remember. They ultimately attained something worthwhile for humanity.

Here, I am thinking of the iconic theoretical physicist, Stephen Hawking. (3) He overcame the tremendous impediments imposed by his motor neuron disease, also known as ALS, (4) to realize significant breakthroughs in theoretical physics, a true sign of human will conquering obtruded hindrances.

This is the paramount value of life: to return your expertise to society, for the Common Good, before you eventually conclude your earthly existence.

So, face your body — whether it is short, fat, or ugly, or conversely, tall, lean, and handsome. It is your footprint in this world. It will carry you forward to flourishing prosperity, or saddle you with guilt and angst — the worst transport to banality.

Success is, therefore, primarily up to me. My body is but a vehicle to carry me forward. The great motivational speaker, Jim Rohn, (5) leaves us with a thought: Take care of your body. It is the only place you have to live.   

A closing thought:  Gyms are wonderful places to be truly anatomically humbled. This lends itself to the age-old adage: there will always be someone more beautiful than me, there will always be someone more intelligent than me, but there will never be anyone who knows me and my potential like me. Always excellence: why not?

To sum up:  This week, we spoke about real success.

To be noted: From Benjamin Franklin (6) — Time lost is never found again.

Just for fun: 

For reflection: 

This week, on your reflective stroll, please ponder what success means to your life.

Every day look for something magical and beautiful.

Don’t be a wage slave – critical thinking is great!

Quote: Pray for prosperity, pray for success, as you define it.



2) What is an Influencer? – Social Media Influencers Defined [Updated 2023]

3) Stephen Hawking

4) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

5) How to Take Charge of Your Life – Jim Rohn Personal Development

6) Benjamin Franklin – Founding Father of a Nation Documentary