

I have a friend who is always positive, always confident. It is one of his many gifts. At times, however, I find this seemingly blatant disregard for the facts to be overwhelming and somewhat vexing.

How could he not see that life is simply one big journey of suffering with brief glimpses of happiness? He nonetheless views reality in a totally different way and is hopeful and affirmative. I value his friendship, given my basically pessimistic nature.

Is this not true with all our friends? They balance the dark side of each of us with the light of anticipation and of joy. We must celebrate our personal bonds for they make us better and more thoughtful people.

I think one of the great dangers of the Internet, of social media, is that it has trivialized friendship. How many friends do you have? I would think thousands on the Internet. But, as we all know, these are not true friends.

A friend stands by you in times of pleasure and moments of pain. The term fair-weather friend sums up our contemporary social interaction. These are friends that glorify you when you are exalted by the world. They retreat into denial and obscurity when you stumble or are taken by the vagaries of life. One trusts that your true friends will stand with you always.

As I age physically, I have encountered two phenomena that still puzzle me: The one is being unfriended or dismissed by someone you are relatively close to. This could be a girlfriend, a boyfriend, or someone you perceive to be an intimate companion. If you are afforded the opportunity — which doesn’t often occur — to ask what has happened, you are presented with the response, you know why! But, you don’t, or I don’t. Such is the role of solipsism in life. The other is that long-term friends die, and you are left alone. They can never be replaced.

So, cherish your friends — and that includes yourself — these relationships will allow you to become the person you must be. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1) leaves us with a thought: When friendships are real, they are not glass threads or frost work, but the solidest things we can know.

A closing thought:  It is often quite stunning, isn’t it? You suddenly find yourself in the midst of a friendship when it is already departing. One of the secrets to life is to truly feel the moment and embrace the coolness of the water as it rushes by.  

To sum up: This week, we spoke about friendship and its value in our overall development as positive individuals. 

To be noted: From the Dalai Lama — Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend – or a meaningful day.

Just for fun: 

For reflection: 

This week, on your wonderful walk, please ponder the friendships in your life. 

Every day look for something magical and beautiful.

Don’t be a wage slave – critical thinking is great!

Quote: Celebrate the relationships that make you strong.


(1) The Art of Trusting One’s Self – The Philosophy of Ralph Waldo Emerson