夢 Dream




前陣子我在Real News Network網站看到一段訪談,其中Robert Pollin博士提到,除非我們能在世紀中(2050年)完全停止化學燃料的使用,否則地球大氣層與環境將有不可逆的轉變,將會危及人類的生存。我覺得其中少探討了一件事,若改變了我們使用的能源以新能源替代,但人們仍活在消費社會當中,長時間來說環境依然不會有太大的改變。西班牙注重風力發電與原始能源,但阿茲特克與印加文明仍受奴役。我們需要的是新的對待文明的方法。如果將下列文字中的「共產主義社會」及其負面含意替換成「以大眾利益為主的公共社會」,或許我們就在正確的道路上了:


博學家John Lubbock(1834-1913)曾說:我們所見的取決於我們所尋找的…在同一塊地中,農夫看見的是作物,地質學家看見化石,植物學家看見花朵,藝術家看見顏色,運動員看見比賽的場地。雖然我們看的是一樣的事物,但不見得能看見它的全貌。




This week, I had a truly incredible dream. I dreamt that I had experienced the end-of- the- world. All was eerily calm. After I had received the information from God, I waited patiently, and some would say stalwartly, for the end to occur. The hours, minutes and seconds ticked by; the hour was nigh and then the time of infinity was upon me. A rush of energy washed over me. I was bathed in light— and then nothing. I returned to my peaceful existence. I found myself walking through a field filled with lavender.

What was I to make of this subconscious mental imagery? Dr. Karl Junghad a fascinating approach. He believed that there were “two basic approaches to analyzing dream material: the objective and the subjective. In the objective approach, every person in the dream refers to the person they are: mother is mother, father is father, child is child, etc. In the subjective approach, however, every person in the dream represents an aspect of the dreamer. Dr .Jung argued that the subjective approach is much more difficult for the dreamer to accept, but that in most good ‘dream-work,’ the dreamer comes to recognize that the dream archetype can represent an unacknowledged aspect of the dreamer. Thus, if the individual is flying, for example, the dreamer may be trying to soar above a hidden problem.”

After my dream, not being a disciple of academic dream interpretation, I was left to my own reflections. I have always believed that at birth we are given two gifts: the gift of life and the gift of death. We can only have intimate knowledge of the former and not the latter. That being said, many people, rather sadly, are not even afforded the opportunity to reflect on the first gift. I consider myself one of the lucky ones and I often ruminate on the cosmological reason for this good fortune. It is partly based, I believe, on a true acceptance of my own mortality. (This does not preclude the existence of God). Thus my analysis of my dream: as of late, I have been paid some tremendous compliments. I believe that this dream was simply a reminder not to be fooled by the ego and to return to my long-retained position: simplistic perhaps, but probably true.

I watched an interview, the other evening on the Real News Network. In the interview Dr. Robert Pollin was making the point that unless we totally do away with fossil fuels by the mid century (around 2050), we will irrevocably alter Earth’s atmosphere and potentially threaten the human species. What was missed in the argument, in my view, is the fact that changing our type of energy usage to renewable energy, and yet keeping a consumptive society, will accomplish little in the long term. Spain, using only sail power and primitive weaponry, still enslaved and destroyed both the Aztec and Inca civilizations. We need a new approach to humanity. If we remove “communist society” from the following quote, with all its negative connotations and replace it with “communal society based on the Common Good” we may be on the right path.

In communist society, where nobody has one exclusive sphere of activity but each can become accomplished in any branch he wishes, society regulates the general production and thus makes it possible for me to do one thing today and another tomorrow, to hunt in the morning, fish in the afternoon, rear cattle in the evening, criticize after dinner, just as I have a mind, without ever becoming hunter, fisherman, herdsman or critic. 1

The polymath john Lubbock (1834–1913) leaves us with a quote: What we do see depends mainly on what we look for… In the same field, the farmer will notice the crop, the geologists the fossils, botanists the flowers, artists the coloring, sportsmen the cover for the game. Though we may all look at the same things, it does not follow that we should see them all.

This week on your peaceful walk, please realize that the future portends to be exciting and wonderful.

Every day look for something magical and beautiful.


1) Karl Marx: German Ideology (1845)

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