
When you see an old man with “one foot in the grave,” playing some nonsensical game on his cell phone, do you think as I do? Do you ask why he isn’t deep in thought — ruminating on life or mortality — contemplating his legacy to his children and grandchildren? This thought doesn’t exist, I posit. He is practicing what the majority of human beings do all the time — some form of escapism.  

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I create my own fear, don’t I?

I often open my eyes in the morning accompanied by a startling thought: “I am awake, ergo, I must be alive – it is, therefore, another good day!” This is a jarring “reality check” because, at sixty-seven, more so than more tender years, you, quite literally, might not wake up. Books have been written on this greatest of all unknowns: death and its attendant fear and paranoia.

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We live in an age of faith — what? This is a nonsensical statement! But wait, we do live in an age of faith — faith in technology, a belief that all will be fine in the future. But conversely, many have lost trust in society and espouse nihilism (1) and despair. The concept of faith, of course, historically has been associated with God or gods — something bigger than myself. This kind of faith was invigorating, and enlightening because it was evocative of an exciting and fulfilling reward after my earthly demise.

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To be free, spiritually, emotionally and financially is your birthright.