
My Day from Glad

When I was young, there was a television commercial that promoted a type of polyethylene food covering. Befitting the optimism of the time, (1) it was the 1960s, after all, it was called Glad, manufactured by Union Carbide. The man who promoted it, the company spokesman, was, of course, the Man from Glad. (2) The wrap was such that it could lock scents in their respective containers, thereby allowing the refrigerator, for example, to remain odor free. (3)

It came to me like an epiphany. In order to maintain my sense of direction, my sanity, in this chaotic world, I required a similar concept. Life necessitated a day away from the media onslaught of tragedy and nonsense. It called for a Day from Glad, glad in old English meaning bright and shining (4) — a requisite time each week that I could be sheltered and protected. I became quite excited by the whole concept.

Now think to yourself, if you had a scheduled respite, not the normal Saturday and Sunday, the weekend concept, but a real mental time off, what would you do? At the onset, I think most people would simply be overwhelmed with gratitude and thanks. We live in a society that is mostly loving and peaceful. But we take little time to feel our good fortune. Thus, my first order of business on my Day from Glad would be to reflect on what I am grateful for — my family, my health, and the society that I live in.

Then, I would be able to step back and analyze how far along I am on my lifetime journey, my Monomyth. (5) Is the plot line of my mission unfolding as it should, or do I need to make adjustments — modify certain traits or habits, be nicer to people, for example?

Subsequently, I would bask in the moment, the Now to quote Eckhart Tolle. (6) This very instant brings me joy and contentment. It would be important to tell people that they too could experience their Day from Glad, their second of peace.  

If all of us could just step back from the immediate, from our frenzied lives, we would see that, for the most part, there is more absurdity than sense to the activities, business, and otherwise, that we undertake.

Thus designate your Day from Glad, or if busy your Hour from Glad, to truly feel the vivaciousness and excitement of life. For a moment, you are shielded from the vicissitudes of existence. The great psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung, (7) leaves us with a thought: Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside awakes.     

A closing thought: It is great fun to tease, but the concept is a valid one. If we could give ourselves a designated time away from it all, so to speak — an ongoing mini vacation — we would be sure to come back refreshed. Life is not as serious as it appears, but we must seek our her quieter moments. The Internet Age has allowed most of us to be constantly engaged with a type of artificial busyness. When can my mind rest and recharge? Thus my suggestion, My Day from Glad.  

To sum up:  This week, we spoke about taking a break from time to time.

To be noted: A Danish proverb — One should speak little with others and much with oneself.

Just for fun: 

For reflection: 

This week, on your peaceful walk, please ponder your own Day from Glad.

Every day look for something magical and beautiful.

Don’t be a wage slave – critical thinking is great!

Quote: Your moments of respite will build into a tower of strength.


1) 1960’s Optimism – I’m Looking Forward to The Future – UWP


3) Man From Glad – commercial 1973

4) glad

5) 怎麼當英雄? – Matthew Winkler

6) The Power of Now Animated Summary

7) Face To Face | Carl Gustav Jung (1959) HQ